Board rules

These rules are disclosed to clarify the various responsibilities of all community members here on The 60MGroup. They shall be adhered to by everyone to ensure that our board runs smoothly and provides a fun and productive experience for all of our community members and visitors.

  1. Registration:
    • The Membership of the 60mGroup, "the Board", is limited to Licensed Amateur Radio Operators, aka "Hams". You must register using your licensed Amateur Radio Operator Callsign.
    • Your Callsign will be checked against the publicly available registers, eg QRZ.COM, before your membership will be activated.
    • A valid email address is required as part of your membership and is also very useful to improve your user experience on the Board, eg email alerts when somebody replies to a post.
    • By Continuing to Register on this board you agree to abide by these Terms & Conditions
    • Postings to the Board should be restricted to content as permitted in your license conditions.
    • The 60MGroup forum is content moderated, and any content which contravenes the laws of the United Kingdom and other jurisdictions will be deleted without notice by the moderators, and the poster of such content will be banned from the Board.
    • No Copyright material should be posted to the Board unless the poster is the legal Copyright owner. Where the material is available on the Internet, eg a link/URL to such content should be used rather than copying & pasting the content itself
    • Amateur radio is a popular technical hobby and volunteer public service that uses designated radio frequencies for non-commercial exchange of messages, wireless experimentation, self-training, and emergency communications. Please use this Board in keeping with the Amateur Radio ethos.
    • Please engage with the Board and its members in a considerate, respectful, & thoughtful manner - “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”
    By Continuing your Membership of this board you agree to abide by these Terms & Conditions

    The 60MBoard runs on Raspberry Pi SBCs located at my QTH, all storage is native to the Raspberry Pi SBCs, ie the Board is 100% contained inside the property of, and managed solely by GM8JCF. No external storage, cloud services, servers etc are used, the connection from the users browser to the Board's server is HTTPS, ie SSL encrypted. #